My friend, Rachel, came over this afternoon to sew with me. She has a
tutorial for a little doll she's kinda created, and it was a lot of fun to try and figure out, especially with her right there walking me through it. Of course, I have my share of mistakes and whatnot, but for my first homemade doll, I thought it turned out pretty good. (She's not supposed to have arms.) I was going to add some, but after some bad sewing on my part and having too chubby of legs (the doll), I opted for the 'no-arms-look' after all.
Rachel is super crafty and just has an 'eye' for all things creative. (She's an Interior Design major.) I always admire her talents and the ideas she comes up with.
This is our next project! She has an old dresser almost identical to the one used for this play kitchen. I think it will be just awesome by the time we're done. Hopefully we'll be able to get started on it this week. I am so excited about it! I'll let you know how it all turns out!
Sounds like fun projects. You go girl! XOXO